Lighting Showroom

Experience the contemporary, clean and captivating ambiance of the LightsOn Banks showroom in Kelowna. Highly-knowledgeable, experienced, ALA-certified support staff are here to assist you.

Experience Comfortable Shopping

Wide aisles, with lots of space around each fixture, and our highly-knowledgeable support staff ensure that your visit will be comfortable and productive. You won’t find clutter or impulse merchandise jamming up the showroom – it’s just clean and sparkly!

Planning Areas

Our multiple comfortable planning areas provide the ideal workspace for your team to roll out the blueprints and get down to business. Planning areas include product catalogues to help designers find just the right look. The new planning bar is also available with drinks and snacks. Web access is included through WiFi or network. NOTE: We have a “D” sized plotter to print your blueprints or plans full-scale.


Oh, yes, we always have a selection of coffees and teas along with other beverages and snacks to help the selection process along. Please, feel at home – you are welcome here!

Showroom Location

427 Banks Road, Kelowna, BC, V1X 6A2

Book an Appointment: (250) 448-4808

  • Contemporary, clean and clutter-free the showroom features professionally-merchandised displays.
  • Knowledgeable, experienced, ALA-certified support staff to assist you.
  • Planning tables in the showroom – roll out those plans and stay a while.
  • Multi-media for browsing the ‘net’ or researching a supplier’s website.
  • Catalogue support in each area – great for designers. Complimentary coffees and teas along with other beverages and snacks.